摘要: 如何计算物流成本是当前物流企业关注而又重要的问题。详细论述了物流的涵义, 提出了计算物流成本的原则; 仔细分析了物流成本与物流服务的“二律背反”的关系; 在对物流成本的形成机制进行分析的基础上, 提出了计算物流成本的步骤; 介绍了物流计算的方法; 分析了物流成本的特殊性以及计算物流成本的意义, 强调计算物流成本的主要意义在于应用物流成本进行物流管理Abstract: It is important and significant to figure out the logistic cost. The principle and the process to figure out the logistic cost, and the relation between the logistic cost and logistic service were analyzed. It is pointed out that the logistic cost should play an important role in logistic management.
Key words:
- logistics /
- cost /
- computation
表 1 功能法计算物流费用构成比率
Table 1. Construction ratio of logistics cost
表 2 2000年美国物流支出
Table 2. 2000 logistics cost of American
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