摘要: 给出了环形交叉口交通噪声评价点位置, 运用数学建模的方法, 通过分析环形交叉口进口道及环道上车辆在噪声观测点处产生的噪声值, 建立了环形交叉口等效交通噪声预测模型, 并对模型进行简化。通过建立的模型表明, 环形交叉口等效交通噪声主要受各种机动车流量及行驶声功率级、环道等效行驶线半径、噪声评价点分别至环道上等效行驶线及进出口道等效行驶线的距离、机动车在环形交叉口内行驶时的速度等因素的影响。最后, 实际选取了一个环形交叉口, 对交通噪声模型预测值和测量值进行了比较, 并进行了统计检验Abstract: This paper proposes the appraising point of the roundabout's traffic noise.After analyzing the roundabout's noises caused by the inlet road vehicles and round road vehiches, it sets up the equivalent traffic noise forecasting model and simplified model.These models indicate that the equivalent traffic noise of the roundabout is mainly influenced by the traffic flow, the sound level of the moving vehicle, the radii of the equivalent moving line at the round road, the distance between the appraising point and the equivalent moving line at the round road, the distance between the appraising point and the equivalent inlet roads and the speeds of the vehicles.This paper choses some roundabouts to measure their traffic flow and traffic noise, the model is verified by comparing the measured noises with the simulated noises.
Key words:
- roundabout /
- equivalent traffic noise /
- forecasting model /
- traffic flow
表 1 各参数的取值
Table 1. Values of each parameters
Lw小/dB(A) Lw大/dB(A) Lw摩/dB(A) r/m l0/m l1/m v1/km·h-1 v2/km·h-1 93 103 99 30 10 30 25 25 -
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