摘要: 终端区的容量评估一直是容量评估的难点和关键所在。首先给出了终端区容量的定义, 分析了影响终端区容量的因素; 然后结合终端区的特点, 阐述了终端区容量评估的方法和关键技术, 指出了终端区容量评估的难点, 提出了对应的解决方法。结合北京终端区的实际, 对终端区容量进行了评估, 仿真结果验证了评估方法的可行性。Abstract: The terminal area capacity is always the key problem in capacity evaluation. A definition of the terminal area capacity and its influencing factors were presented. According to the characteristics of the terminal area, the key techniques and the difficulties were pointed out. Taking Beijing Airport as an example, this method was examined, the result shows that the simulation method is feseable.
Key words:
- terminal area /
- air traffic /
- capacity /
- evaluation /
- simulation
表 1 容量评估结果
Table 1. The result of capacity evaluation
跑道使用 进场容量 离场容量 进场比例/% 离场比例/% 36L离场, 36R进场 23.65 27.15 56 44 36L离场, 36R进场 25.01 28.62 47 53 36L离场, 36R进场 26.29 29.99 57 43 -
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