摘要: 分析了铁路货运集中化对铁路货物运输需求和供给的影响, 认为铁路货运集中化后, 铁路货运需求在短期内将保持稳定, 从长期看应有所增长; 同时铁路货运集中化可增加铁路运输企业供给能力。进一步运用福利经济学原理, 分析了铁路货运集中化前后消费者剩余、生产者剩余和社会总剩余的变化, 得出铁路货运集中化会使社会总福利增加。因此, 铁路推行货物运输集中化是一种帕雷托改进, 既有利于铁路运输企业自身的发展, 又能对社会其它部门产生积极作用Abstract: The influence of railway freight transport integration on the demands and supplies of railway goods transportation was analyzed, it is pointed out that the demands of railway freight transport will remain steady in short period, and increase in long period after railway freight transport integrated, and the supplies of railway freight transport can be increased. By the principles of economics, the change of consumer surplus, producer surplus and social surplus with railway freight transport integration was discussed, it is indicated that railway freight transport integration can make the social welfare increase.The results show that railway freight transport integration is Pareto efficiency, Chinese railway freight transport integration should be developed continually.
Key words:
- railway /
- freight transport integration /
- economic analysis /
- surplus /
- welfare
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