摘要: 由于海运业的不断繁荣发展, 安全通航尤为重要, 这使得航标设备的自动化改造迫在眉睫, 计算机的普及、无线通讯网的全球覆盖、蓝牙技术的出现为航标设备的自动化改造创造了条件, 使之成为可能。航标设备遥测遥控功能的实现将大大提高航标设备的可利用率, 降低维护成本, 提高管理效率, 具有现实意义Abstract: Due to the marine enterprise's constant development, safe navigation is especially important, which makes the renovation of the aids to navigation(AtN) become urgent. The popularity of computers, GPRS availability, the appearance of bluetooth provide conditions for the renovation of aids to navigation facilities and make them possible to be realized. To realizing telemeter and remote control of the AtN have an important mean for improving utilization ratio and management.
Key words:
- bluetooth /
- AtN /
- GPRS /
- M2M(machine to machine)
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