摘要: 针对车用柴油机的运行特点, 研究了柴油机掺烧LPG(液化石油气)的技术策略, 采用一种以型板为特征的双燃料供给系统, 由台架试验确定柴油/LPG掺烧比例。台架试验和发动机装车试验表明, 采用该技术策略改装的柴油/LPG双燃料发动机, 能够满足城市公交汽车的使用要求Abstract: Aiming at the working characteristics of bus diesel engines, the tech-strategy on blending LPG in diesel engines was presented.Using a type of bi-fuel supply system that was characterized by a mould pattern, the content ratios of diesel /LPG fuel were determined by engine experiments. The engine experiments and the bus engine tests indicate that the strategy is able to meet the demands of the urban buses.
Key words:
- vehicle diesel engine /
- LPG /
- bus
表 1 动力性试验结果
Table 1. Experimental results of power performance
表 2 燃料消耗试验结果
Table 2. Experimental results of energy consumption
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