摘要: 基于有限单元法, 建立了组合无缝道岔钢轨纵向力及位移的力学计算模型, 编制了计算软件, 并以1 2号固定辙叉无缝道岔为例, 分析了不同轨道参数对组合无缝道岔钢轨附加力及位移的影响, 并与其对单组无缝道岔的影响作了对比分析。研究表明, 道床纵向阻力对组合无缝道岔钢轨附加力及位移的影响要明显大于单组无缝道岔, 扣件阻力和限位器间隔对组合道岔和单组道岔的影响差不多, 扣件阻力对组合道岔的影响略大于单组道岔, 而限位器间隔对组合道岔的影响略小于单组道岔, 相比单组无缝道岔, 保持组合道岔道床质量显得更为重要。Abstract: A mechanical model and its software based on the finite element principle were presented, the additional longitudinal force and displacement of the welded turnout combination system were discussed. With an example, the influences of track parameters on rail displacement and longitudinal force of the combination system and single welded turnout were calculated, and the results were analyzed.The results show that the ballast resistance has a stronger influence on the welded turnout combination system than that of the single welded turnout, the influence of fastener resistance and the gap limit of spacer pieces is almost the same; the fastener resistance has a little more but the gap limit of spacer pieces has a little less influence on the welded turnout combination system than that of the single welded turnout.
表 1 不同道床纵向阻力对应计算结果
Table 1. Results comparison of difference ballast longitudinal resistance
项目 道床极限纵向阻力/N·cm-1 20 25 32 40 50 单组道岔 最大钢轨附加力/kN 312.6 304.1 294.2 286.2 274.6 辙跟位移/mm 7.11 5.90 4.72 3.74 2.98 最大钢轨位移/mm 7.11 5.90 4.72 3.74 2.98 限位器剪力/kN 288.084 291.555 297.763 307.13 317.716 组合道岔 最大钢轨附加力/kN 426.7 406.9 357.9 313.2 286.1 左道岔辙跟位移/mm 11.62 8.28 6.41 4.22 3.11 最大钢轨位移/mm 12.25 8.77 6.61 4.33 3.18 左道岔限位器剪力/kN 270.41 284.02 291.41 307.8 319.7 表 2 不同扣件纵向阻力对应计算结果
Table 2. Results comparison of difference fastener longitudinal resistance
项目 扣件极限纵向阻力/kN·组-1 6 9 12 15 18 单组道岔 最大钢轨附加力/kN 293.90 294.05 294.21 295.08 295.22 辙跟位移/mm 4.68 4.72 4.72 4.70 4.73 最大钢轨位移/mm 4.68 4.72 4.72 4.78 4.88 限位器剪力/kN 448.56 362.07 359.30 241.41 192.76 组合道岔 最大钢轨附加力/kN 345.20 357.20 357.90 358.50 359.30 左道岔辙跟位移/mm 5.77 6.30 6.31 6.35 6.42 最大钢轨位移/mm 5.86 6.59 6.61 6.66 6.94 左道岔限位器剪力/kN 455.25 357.69 291.41 245.72 186.68 表 3 不同夹直线长度对应计算结果
Table 3. Results comparison of difference distance between the turnouts
项目 夹直线长度/m 0 10 25 40 55 70 ∞ 组合道岔 最大钢轨附加力/kN 408.36 388.22 357.9 328.8 307.1 299.6 294.21 左道岔辙跟位移/mm 8.00 7.35 6.41 5.58 5.06 4.86 4.72 最大钢轨位移/mm 8.51 7.71 6.61 5.69 5.06 4.86 4.72 左道岔限位器剪力/kN 286.14 286.99 291.41 297.4 299.3 298.97 297.8 表 4 不同限位器间隙对应计算结果
Table 4. Results comparison of difference spacer gap
项目 限位器间隙/mm 3 5 7 9 13 单组道岔 最大钢轨附加力/kN 340.18 317.53 294.21 270.51 222.18 辙跟位移/mm 6.00 5.36 4.72 4.05 2.97 最大钢轨位移/mm 6.00 5.36 4.72 4.15 3.33 限位器剪力/kN 467.99 373.64 297.76 230.12 112.60 组合道岔 最大钢轨附加力/kN 410.74 384.94 357.86 329.92 272.08 左道岔辙跟位移/mm 8.19 7.29 6.41 5.57 4.03 最大钢轨位移/mm 8.26 7.37 6.61 5.95 4.83 左道岔限位器剪力/kN 454.30 364.29 291.41 226.93 115.58 -
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