摘要: Weibull形状参数是研究船舶疲劳强度的一项重要参数, 它由船长和浪高两个因素决定。利用Weibull形状参数对一艘实船的疲劳寿命进行了计算, 结果表明: 仍然具有很大的误差, 必须根据船舶的实际情况, 建立累积损伤模型, 确立统一的Weibull形状参数表达式, 消除误差, 准确地计算船舶结构的疲劳累积损伤度, 提高船舶疲劳寿命预报的可靠性。
- 船舶 /
- 疲劳强度 /
- Weibull形状参数 /
- 疲劳荷载 /
- 疲劳寿命
Abstract: Weibull shape coefficient k that is decided by ship's length and wave height is very important for studying ship's fatigue strength.Using the coefficient k, an example ship's fatigue life was calculated.It is pointed out that the calculated results have a great error compared with actul case.To reduce the error and calculate fatigue life accurately, the uniform function of coefficient k based on accumulated damage model must be developed according to ship's actul case.-
Key words:
- ship /
- fatigue strength /
- Weibull shape coefficient /
- fatigue load /
- fatigue life
表 1 Weibull分布形状参数k与波高的关系
Table 1. Relationship between Weibull distribution shape coefficient and wave height
波高/m 9.5 11.5 14.5 16.5 17.5 k 0.6935 0.8261 0.8646 0.8930 0.8993 表 2 船舶疲劳累积损伤度D与疲劳寿命NT计算结果
Table 2. Calculation result of ship fatigue accumulated damage degree D and fatigue life NT
CCS 日本(北大西洋) k 0.8033 0.843 舷侧 D NT/a D NT/a 1.903 10.5 2.477 8.1 甲板 D NT/a D NT/a 0.602 33.2 0.784 22.5 -
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