摘要: 首先对船舶运动控制研究中存在的问题进行了分析, 认为其研究中主要存在三方面的问题, 即用于控制器设计的模型存在不确定性问题、控制器设计模型的非线性问题和执行机构的问题, 针对这些问题, 利用鲁棒控制和鲁棒自适应控制理论, 提出了解决这三方面问题的控制策略, 经仿真研究证实其控制效果是令人满意的。Abstract: Some problems remaining unsolved in the area of ship motion control were analyzed. It was pointed that there were three problems, i.e., the first is that uncertainty always exists in the mathematical model used for designing controller, which has not been given a full attention yet; the second is that non-linearity is not included in the model when designing the controller; the last is that the actuator dynamics is not considered when designing the controller. By use of robust control and robust adaptive control theorem, several strategies that can be used to solve above problems were presented. The performance of proposed methods is illustrated with simulation results.
Key words:
- ship motion control /
- robust control /
- adaptive control /
- review
表 1 控制性能比较
Table 1. Tab.1 Comparison of control performance
横摇角平均幅值/ (°) 鳍控制角平均幅值/ (°) 执行机构时间常数/s LQG控制律 0.62 11 1.9 连续鲁棒控制律 0.1 11 1.8 变结构鲁棒控制律 0.12 11.5 大于4也未见系统不稳定 -
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