摘要: 随着路面测试技术的不断完善, 尤其是激光技术的广泛应用, 对路面功率谱进行精确分析成为可能。对路面长期性能研究中大量路段数年实测平整度资料进行功率谱分析, 认为路面功率谱可深刻反映路面性能, 是研究路面性能、汽车-路面动力学的良好指标, 但ISO模拟公式及分级标准不适用于高等级公路, 因此对功率谱分级方法进行了改进, 并提出功率谱面积分级法。Abstract: With the development of pavement testing equipment, especially with the usage of laser equipment, it is possible to analyze pavement power spectral density (PPSD) exactly.Based on the analysis of testing data of long term pavement performance, it is concluded that PPSD is a good tool to analyze the pavement performance and auto-pavement dynamic loading. The limitation of ISO standard was also discussed, and a better pavement classification method with PPSD area was promoted.
Key words:
- expressway /
- pavement /
- roughness /
- PSD /
- automobile dynamics /
表 1 郑开路各段1999年11月路面功率谱密度
Table 1. Zhengkai expressway PPSD in 1999
代号 路段 车道 Gq (0) Gq (Ω1) Gq (Ω0) Gq (Ω0) 排序 路面等级 Zkbx16 1 行 997.0 1802.0 128.3 5 B级 Zkbc16 超 882.1 1910.0 104.7 3 B级 Zkbx52 2 行 1314.0 2181.0 110.0 4 B级 Zkbc52 超 1193.0 2157.0 79.5 1 B级 Zknx18 3 行 2114.0 2611.0 177.8 7 C级 Zknc18 超 1661.0 2180.0 97.4 2 B级 Zknx54 4 行 636.8 975.5 172.3 6 C级 Zknc54 超 721.9 961.4 182.8 8 C级 表 2 1984年国际标准和面积法比较
Table 2. PPSD classification comparison with ISO and PPSD area method
路段代号 Gq (0) Gq (Ω1) Gq (Ω0) 功率谱面积 按Gq (Ω0) 排序 按功率谱面积排序 Zkbx16 997.0 1802.0 128.3 107.373 5 3 Zkbc16 882.1 1910.0 104.7 110.452 3 4 Zkbx52 1314.0 2181.0 110.0 129.600 4 6 Zkbc52 1193.0 2157.0 79.5 125.743 1 5 Zknx18 2114.0 2611.0 177.8 163.642 7 8 Zknc18 1661.0 2180.0 97.4 133.415 2 7 Zknx54 636.8 975.5 172.3 63.196 6 1 Zknc54 721.9 961.4 182.8 63.949 8 2 表 3 路面功率谱面积分级建议
Table 3. Suggestion of area classification standard on PPSD
路面表面分级 A B C D E 功率谱面积 < 42 42~92 92~190 190~265 > 265 -
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