摘要: 建立了高速公路入口匝道控制的数学模型, 把模糊控制和神经网络算法结合起来实现入口匝道的智能控制。仿真结果表明, 该算法在各种交通模式下都是有效的, 能够在维持一个理想主线交通流密度的同时, 保持入口排队长度尽可能短; 在抑制交通流密度波动和入口排队长度方面比定时控制和ALINEA算法更有效。Abstract: The mathematical model for the ramp control was developed. Based on this model, the fuzzy control was combined with neural network to realize the intelligent control. The simulation for this algorithm was carried out. The results show that this algorithm is always effective; it can maintain the mainline traffic flow desity in a desired value and restrain the length of queue at the on-ramp; it is better than the classic feedback algorithm ALINEA.
Key words:
- freeway /
- ramp control /
- neurofuzzy network /
- simulation
表 1 入口匝道控制模糊规则
Table 1. Fuzzy rules for ramp metering
r p 小 中 大 l 小 中 中 小 中 大 中 小 大 大 大 小 -
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