摘要: 根据道路的几何构造特点, 建立了车辆模拟行驶中驾驶员视点位置的几何模型, 介绍了视线跟踪的概念。基于Open GL库函数和Windows系统函数提出了一种简便而实用的思路来实现三维模拟行驶中的视线跟踪, 并根据此方法设计了车辆模拟行驶的运行平台。Abstract: The geometrical model of the position of driver's eyes in simulated driving was built based on geometrical characteristics of roads, and the concept for trailing sight line was introduced.A simple and feasible idea was offered to finish trailing sight line in three-dimensional simulated vehicle driving based on OpenGL and Windows system functions.An operational table for simulated vehicle driving was designed based on the previous idea.
Key words:
- vehicle /
- simulated driving /
- visual scene /
- trailing sight line /
- OpenGL
[1] 吴海平. OpenGL图形程序设计与应用环境[M]. 长沙: 国防科技大学出版社, 1999. [2] OpenGL Architecture Review Board. OpenGL参考手册[M]. SGI Corporation, 1999. [3] 贾志刚. 精通OpenGL[M]. 北京: 电子工业出版社, 1998. [4] David J Kruglinski. Visual C++技术内幕[M]. 北京: 清华大学出版社, 1999. -