摘要: 通过对三条在建高速公路沥青路面渗水系数的测试, 分析得出沥青路面渗水性能与沥青混合料的类型、路面现场空隙率、结构层厚度及路面表面构造深度有关。测试结果统计分析表明相同空隙率下, 粗级配的混合料更易渗水; 相同级配下, 路面现场空隙率越大, 表面构造深度越大, 路面越易渗水; 路面渗水系数随路面厚度的增加而减少; 建议沥青路面渗水系数应作为高速公路施工中一项质量控制指标, 并初步提出控制标准的建议值。Abstract: Permeability test was done at three expressways in 2001. Based on the test data, it is concluded that permeability of asphalt pavement is affected by mixture type, in place air void, thickness of layer and surface structure; coarse mixture is more permeable to water than dense one with the same in place air void. Increasing in place air void and surface structure can cause larger permeability; thicker pavement is less permeable to water; permeability should be worked as a quality control index, and a suggested control value is given based on the statistical analysis.
Key words:
- road engineering /
- asphalt pavement /
- permeability /
- mixture type /
- in place air void /
- surface structure /
- thickness
表 1 AK13A上面层渗水系数统计
Table 1. Permeability coefficient statistics of AK13A
渗水系数/ml·min-1 满足条件的点数 比例/% > 10 25 67.57 > 20 16 43.24 > 40 8 21.62 > 60 7 18.92 > 80 6 16.22 > 100 4 10.81 > 150 2 5.41 > 200 2 5.41 总数 37 100% 注: 2001年度上面层AK13A的现场空隙率要求为3%~7%, 表 1中统计时去掉了空隙率大于7%的数据。 表 2 AC20I中面层渗水系数统计
Table 2. Permeability coefficient statistics of AC20I
渗水系数/ml·min-1 满足条件的点数 比例/% > 20 27 28.72 > 40 22 23.40 > 60 18 19.15 > 80 12 12.77 > 100 9 9.57 > 200 4 4.26 总数 94 100% -
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