Three-dimensional numerical simulation of ground deformation of high-fill block and detritus
摘要: 根据场区的工程地质条件和高填方资料建立地质模型, 运用现场试验所获得的参数和3DFLAC程序对高填方块碎石夯实地基的变形进行数值模拟, 分析地基沉降和侧向变形及可能发生剪切破坏的位置, 模拟和分析结果与实际基本一致。Abstract: Based on airport construction practice in southwest China, this paper studied the deformation behavior of block and gravel fills. With engineering geological conditions and settement data, a prediction model was established.Three dimensional simulation was conducted using 3D FLAC software to simulate the deformation process of high-fills in airport engineering, especially surface settlement, lateral deformation, and potential shear failure plane. Simulation results are similar with practice.
Key words:
- civil engineering /
- high-fill packing ground /
- block and detritus /
- deformation /
- numerical simulation
表 1 FLAC模型计算所采用参数
Table 1. Computation parameters of FLAC model
土的性质 项目 容重/g·cm-3 模量/MPa 泊松比 内摩擦角/° 内聚力/kPa 灰岩 2.70 59000 (回弹模量) 0.22 55 15 红粘土 1.78 12 (压缩模量) 0.32 10.2 51.5 填筑体 土面区 2.0 372 (变形模量) 0.25 30~40 10~60 道槽区 2.2 572 (变形模量) 0.25 33~45 25~90 -
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