Influence parameters of additional longitudinal force of continuously welded rails on bridge
摘要: 根据桥上无缝线路附加力影响区两端的边界条件, 研究了不同计算条件下的桥外影响区长度, 分析了铁路桥上无缝线路附加纵向力计算的各影响参数, 阐明了桥外影响区长度、钢轨最大受力以及钢轨最大位移的变化规律。结果表明, 桥外影响区的长度并不是定值, 减小线路纵向阻力、桥梁的跨度、跨数、惯性矩以及增大桥墩的刚度, 可以减小钢轨的最大拉力以及钢轨的最大位移, 减小断轨发生的可能性; 同时, 减小线路纵向阻力, 可以减小桥梁墩台的受力。Abstract: According to the boundary conditions of the influence area ends of additional longitudinal force, this paper studied the influence area length outside bridge in different calculation conditions, analyzed the additional longitudinal force's influence parameters of continuously welded rails on bridge, and clarified the variety rules of influence area length outside bridge, rail's maximum force and maximum displacement.The results indicate that the influence area length is not a fixed value. The maximum force and maximum displacement of rail will decline when longitudinal resistance force, span, span number, inertia moment decline, or pier stiffness increases, at the same time, the probability of rail broken will decline too.The force of abutment or pier will decline when the longitudinal resistance force decline.
表 1 阻力对各计算值的影响
Table 1. Resistance forces influence on calculation values
道床阻力/N·cm-1 P1/kN P2/kN P3/kN P4/kN P5/kN L左/m L右/m 最大压力/kN 最大拉力/kN 钢轨最大位移/cm 40 -56.4 -34.7 -29.5 -41.8 -87.3 33.61 28.55 -134.5 135.5 0.373 50 -65.3 -36.6 -29.5 -44.7 -106.8 30.70 25.67 -153.5 156.0 0.396 60 -73.5 -37.7 -29.6 -47.1 -127.8 28.45 23.86 -170.7 176.5 0.414 70 -81.0 -38.4 -29.8 -48.0 -144.2 26.68 21.70 -186.7 192.7 0.428 表 2 跨数对各计算值的影响
Table 2. Influence of span numbers on calculation values
跨数 L左/m L右/m 最大压力/kN 最大拉力/kN 钢轨最大位移/cm 1 15.42 12.65 -107.9 102.8 0.102 2 22.52 18.70 -157.6 159.5 0.228 3 25.26 21.10 -176.8 183.1 0.332 4 26.30 21.23 -182.1 187.1 0.389 5 26.67 21.35 -186.7 192.7 0.428 6 26.82 21.48 -187.7 196.1 0.449 7 26.87 21.64 -188.1 198.4 0.464 表 3 跨度、跨数影响对比
Table 3. Comparison of spans and span numbers influence on calculation values
梁跨 L左/m L右/m 最大压力/kN 最大拉力/kN 钢轨最大位移/cm 2×32 m 22.46 19.14 -155.6 161.3 0.226 1×64 m 27.44 17.76 -192.1 187.4 0.324 表 4 刚度对各计算值的影响
Table 4. Stiffnesses influence on calculation values
刚度/kN·cm-1 P1/kN P2/kN P3/kN P4/kN P5/kN L左/m L右/m 最大压力/kN 最大拉力/kN 钢轨最大位移/cm 500 21.3 76.3 30.3 81.2 120.1 22.61 23.86 -152.6 234.3 0.465 2000 40.3 60.3 29.7 68.5 130.2 24.80 22.06 -173.6 202.3 0.452 3000 56.5 50.9 29.8 58.8 140.3 25.57 21.92 -178.9 197.8 0.443 无穷大 81.1 38.3 27.9 47.9 144.3 26.67 21.31 -186.7 192.7 0.428 表 5 惯性矩对各计算值的影响
Table 5. Influence of inertia moments on calculation values
惯性矩/cm4·片梁-1 L左/m L右/m 最大压力/kN 最大拉力/kN 钢轨最大位移/cm 898.2×104 24.5 32.6 -200.6 228.6 0.376 2.0×107 19.6 29.1 -175.6 203.6 0.297 1.0×108 8.3 20.5 -119.0 143.4 0.148 1.5×108 5.6 18.4 -105.6 128.6 0.120 -
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