摘要: 分析了高速铁路基本走向方案比选特点, 应用较为成熟的AHP主观赋权法作为指标权重分配计算方法, 运用多目标决策分析原理, 综合多种系统评价方法提出了一种高速铁路基本走向决策方法, 并建立了优选模型, 决策者可以根据具体情况灵活地进行方案的评价与排序, 使方案决策具有针对性。实践证明该决策方法和模型能利用全部信息, 排序结果能够比较客观地符合高速铁路基本走向选择的实际情况。Abstract: This paper discussed the characteristics of deciding schemes for high speed railway route lines, and developed a decision model. In this model, its indices weight was calculated with analytic hierarchy procees method. With this model the schemes can be evaluated scientifically. The practice shows that this model can reflect all information to decide which one is the best, so this model has a good reference for decision maker.
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