Metro stray current corrosion of pipelines buried underground and resisting corrosion method
摘要: 根据地铁迷流对埋地管线的腐蚀机理, 采用模拟迷流腐蚀的实验装置, 测定了埋地管线在土壤腐蚀介质中的电化学当量和平均腐蚀速率, 探索了一种用低温气体多元共渗工艺对钢管进行表面处理后, 有效抗迷流腐蚀的新方法。在土壤腐蚀介质中, 对不同工艺处理的钢管进行了模拟迷流腐蚀的比较试验, 试验时保证了腐蚀环境相同。试验结果表明经低温气体多元共渗表面处理的钢管表面有一层均匀致密的化合物层, 从微观上分析了其抗迷流腐蚀性增强的机理。Abstract: This paper discussed the mechanism of metro stray current corrosion of pipelines buried underground to design a test plant of simulating stray current corrosion.By the simulating test, a new method of resisting stray current corrosion was developed, which various elements were permeated into the surface of steel pipes in low temperature.The result of comparison tests in same corrosive environment shows that the corrosion resistance of the materials after the low temperature gas multicomponent thermochemical treatment is improved greatly, a compound layer is found on the surface of steel pipes, by micromechanism analysis of corrosion resistance.
表 1 钢管腐蚀数据
Table 1. Corrosion data of steel tube
原材料 腐蚀介质 外加电压/V 腐蚀时间/h 腐蚀电流平均值/A 电化学当量/10-7kg· (A·s)-1 失重/g 腐蚀速率/g·m-2·h-1 1 土壤 100 44.25 0.2214 1.95 6.860 8.11 2 土壤 200 42.00 0.4132 1.74 10.845 11.52 3 土壤 200 44.25 0.4302 1.57 10.740 10.73 4 土壤 200 42.30 0.3895 1.40 8.295 8.96 5 土壤 300 39.50 0.6056 1.99 17.100 21.50 平均值 1.73 12.16 表 2 不同工艺处理的钢管腐蚀数据对照
Table 2. Corrosion data of steel tube treated with different processes
处理工艺 腐蚀介质 外加电压/V 腐蚀时间/h 腐蚀电流平均值/A 电化学当量/10-7kg· (A·s)-1 失重/g 腐蚀速率/g·m-2·h-1 原材料 土层 200 42.00 0.4783 1.42 10.210 11.07 工艺1 土层 200 42.00 0.3402 0.87 4.457 4.74 工艺2 土层 200 42.00 0.2091 0.63 1.990 2.36 -
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