摘要: 利用道路试验和理论分析的方法研究了发动机制动、排气制动工作时对客车前、后桥的制动力分配和制动稳定性的影响, 发现客车在发动机制动和排气制动参与制动过程时, 将形成两个同步附着系数点, 其中一个出现在附着系数很小时, 另一个点低于原车的同步附着系数。两个同步附着系数的大小与持续制动形式、变速器档位和汽车行驶速度有关。这样汽车在附着系数很小和比较大的道路上使用发动机制动或排气制动的同时, 如果需要利用主制动器进一步减速, 则可能处于不稳定的制动状态。由此表明持续制动系统的工作将使汽车的制动特性和稳定性发生很大的改变, 必须在制动过程中给予足够的重视。Abstract: Engine brake and exhaust brake can influence the braking force distribution and the braking stability of bus. Road experiments and analysis for the influence were carried out.The results show that there are two synchronizing adhesion coefficients when engine brake and exhaust brake are in action.One occurs at extremely low adhesion coefficient, and the other one is just below the original synchronizing adhesion coefficient.The values of these two coefficients depend on which constant brake is used, as well as the present gear step and the driving speed.Therefore, it is probable that the braking processes are unstable on the roads with extremely low and high adhesion coefficients, so the braking behavior and stability must be changed to a certain degree.
Key words:
- automotive engineering /
- bus /
- engine brake /
- exhaust brake /
- brake stability
表 1 变速器各档传动比
Table 1. Transmission ratios of different gear steps
档位 Ⅰ档 Ⅱ档 Ⅲ档 Ⅳ档 Ⅴ档 倒档 传动比 5.606 3.340 1.991 1.382 1.000 6.060 -
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