Combustion characteristics of spark ignition engines with dimethyl ether-LPG blends fuel
摘要: 应用CB-566燃烧分析仪测录火花点火发动机燃用不同燃料时的燃烧特性, 研究了二甲醚-液化石油气混合燃料对火花点火发动机燃烧过程的影响, 并与火花点火发动机燃用汽油的燃烧过程进行了对比研究, 发现二甲醚-液化石油气混合燃料的燃烧过程与汽油相比, 火焰发展角和明显燃烧期长, 最高爆发压力高, 燃烧变化过程基本相同。试验结果表明二甲醚高辛烷值、高热值调和剂可以显著提高二甲醚混合燃料的抗爆性和热值, 使火花点火发动机可以在不改变原机结构的基础上燃用二甲醚混合燃料。Abstract: This paper measured the combustion characteristics of different fuels on the spark ignition engine with CB-566 combustion analysis instruments, studied the influence of DME-LPG blends fuel on the combustion process of spark ignition engine, and compared it with that of gasoline. It is pointed that the flame development angle and combustion duration of DME-LPG blends fuel engine are longer, maximum cylinder pressure is higher than that of gasoline engine. The two engines are alike in combustion characteristics. The results indicate that the additive with high octane number and high heat volume to dimethyl ether (DME) improves the quality of DME greatly, and the spark ignition engine without changing its structure can use DME-LPG blends fuel.
表 1 各种燃料的理化性质
Table 1. Principal property of all kinds of fuel
表 2 混合燃料组成及其主要理化性质
Table 2. Composition and pincipal properties of DME-LPG blends fuel
表 3 发动机主要技术参数
Table 3. Main technique parameters of engine
型号 HH368Q 气缸直径/mm 68.5 行程/mm 72 排量/l 0.796 压缩比 8.7 标定转速/r·min-1 5500 标定功率/kW 26.2 表 4 放热规律特征参数
Table 4. Characteristic parameters of heat release regulation
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