摘要: 对中国目前的城市交通流控制系统存在的问题进行了分析。针对原系统结构中的不足提出了构建基于多智能体的智能城市交通流控制系统的思路, 并研究了该系统的基本框架和实现途径及方法, 同时探讨了该系统中各个交通智能体的结构以及它们的协调合作关系, 为基于多智能体的智能城市交通流控制系统的最终实现提供了理论指导和方法依据。Abstract: Some problems unsolved in urban traffic flow control system were analyzed. With the view of current system deficiencies, this paper put forward a viewpoint on establishing a intelligent urban traffic flow control system based on multi-agent, and the general prototype structure and development methods were proposed. The structure of traffic agents was discussed, and the coordination and collaboration problems between traffic agents were described. The study result shows that this study provides guide in theory and method for real application system development.
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