摘要: 对三种空隙率相同, 但沥青结合料不同的排水性沥青混合料及一种密级配沥青混合料AC-16-Ⅰ进行了性能试验。发现随着沥青60℃粘度的提高, 排水性沥青混合料的抗压强度、劈裂强度、抗弯拉强度明显增大, 动稳定度、水稳定性和低温性能显著提高, 但透水能力、抗滑性能变化不大; 同时排水性沥青混合料的各项强度指标均低于密级配沥青混合料。结果表明沥青的60℃粘度是影响排水性沥青混合料路用性能的关键指标, 应选用高粘度的改性沥青作为排水性沥青混合料的粘结料。Abstract: Three kinds of porous asphalt mixtures with different bitumen but same air voids were tested, the performance of asphalt mixture AC-16-Ⅰ was analyzed. It is pointed that with the increasing of 60℃ viscosity, bitumen porous asphalt mixture's performances such as compressive strength, cleavage strength, tensile strength, dynamic stability, hydraulic stability and low-temperature anti-crack ability are markedly improved, but 60℃ viscosity has less influence on permeability and anti-skid ability, the strength performances of porous asphalt are inferior to density graded asphalt mixture. The results indicate that the 60℃ viscosity of bitumen is the key index that influences the performances of porous asphalt mixture and rather than conventional asphalt, the high viscosity modified asphalt could be adopted for porous asphalt mixture.
表 1 三种沥青三大指标值
Table 1. Key indexes of experimental bitumen
表 2 三种沥青青粘度性能指标及技术要求
Table 2. Experimental quota and technical norms of experimental bitumen
表 3 石料性能指标
Table 3. Aggregate performances
表 4 混合料级配
Table 4. Asphalt mixture gradations
表 5 稳定度试验结果
Table 5. Marshall stability results
表 6 强度性能试验结果
Table 6. Test results of strength properties
表 7 高温稳定性试验结果
Table 7. Test results of wheel tracking
表 8 水稳定性试验结果
Table 8. Test results of hydrological stability
表 9 透水性试验结果
Table 9. Permeability test results
表 10 低温性能试验结果
Table 10. Bend test results of low temperature
表 11 抗滑性能试验结果
Table 11. Antiskid test results
表 12 综合指标比较
Table 12. Comprehensive performances comparison
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