摘要: 水泥混凝土道路改建时废弃混凝土的再利用, 可以降低工程造价, 又利于环境保护。采用室内试验方法, 测定了废弃混凝土作为再生集料的路用性能指标, 并与规范要求进行对比, 指标达到了规范要求。试验路应用结果表明, 再生集料能够满足在半刚性基层或水泥混凝土中应用时的技术要求, 再生集料混凝土除耐磨性稍差之外, 其他方面与普通混凝土无明显差别。Abstract: When reconstructing road on old line, the reuse of waste concrete has a great meaning for environment and construction cost. The physical and mechanical parameters of regenerated concrete that is based on waste concrete were measured. The parameters can reach the demand of standards. The testing road operation shows that the regenerated concrete can be used as semi-rigid base materials. Compared with common concrete, the anti-wear feature of regenerated concrete is not good enough, its other parameters have no difference.
Key words:
- highway engineering /
- road reconstruction /
- scrap concrete /
- regenerated concrete
表 1 再生集料主要指标及规范要求
Table 1. Test results of scrap concrete slab and specification requirements of aggregate
表 2 再生集料抗压试验结果及规范要求
Table 2. Experimental results of regenerated aggregate and specification requirements
表 3 水泥稳定再生集料主要性质测定结果
Table 3. Properties of regenerated aggregate stabilized with cement
表 4 混凝土用再生集料技术性质实测值与相关规范要求
Table 4. Properties of regenerated aggregate used in concrete and correlating specification requirements
表 5 混凝土用再生集料筛分结果
Table 5. Sieving analysis of regenerated aggregate and requirement specification
表 6 再生混凝土强度室内检测结果
Table 6. Strength test results of regenerated concrete
表 7 再生混凝土相关指标检测结果
Table 7. Properties of regenerated concrete
表 8 再生集料基层弯沉检测
Table 8. Deflection of base course adopted regenerated aggregate
表 9 再生混凝土施工现场抽检结果
Table 9. Spot-check to regenerated concrete in site
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