摘要: 根据能量守恒原理, 利用作用在轮胎上的动水压力计算式, 通过有限元计算, 分析了由于部分滑水而导致的附着系数的降低状况, 得到了附着系数与水膜厚度、行车速度的关系式。计算结果表明, 如果水膜覆盖在路面上, 那么汽车行驶时不可避免地要产生部分滑水现象, 轮胎与路面间的附着系数和干燥状态相比, 要下降很多。汽车在低速行驶时, 水膜厚度对附着系数的影响较大; 而在高速行驶时, 则速度的影响较大。Abstract: When vehicles run on the road that covered by water film, the pressure on vehicles'tire by water will occure, the pavement friction coefficient will be reduced. The dynamic pressure was analyzed with energy conservation theory, the relationships of the friction coefficient with the water film depth and the running speed of wehicle were calculated with finite element analysis. The results indicated that if vehicle's speed is low, the depth of water film is the larger influence fac-tor, if speed is high, the speed value is the larger influence factor.
Key words:
- road engineering /
- part hydroplaning /
- finite element /
- dynamic water pressure /
- tire
表 1 225/50R16 92V轮胎的主要参数
Table 1. Primary parameters of 225/50R16 92V tire
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