摘要: 通过对公路上广泛使用的灰土比为10%(重量比)、压实度为95%的压实石灰黄土进行三轴试验, 测得了不同围压下压实石灰黄土的应力-应变曲线、体积变形曲线及侧向变形曲线, 获得了压实石灰黄土的初始切线模量、初始切线体积模量、初始泊松比、峰值强度、峰值应变、残余强度和抗剪强度参数等力学指标。结果分析证明邓肯-张模型不适用于压实石灰黄土, 可以使用改进的Saenz公式来表示其应力-应变关系。Abstract: Based on the triaxial test of compacted loess-lime, whose rate of lime weighs to soil is 10%, compactness is 95%, the paper measured the stress and strain relationship curve, volume change curve and lateral change curve of the compacted loess-lime under different surrounding pressure, got the parameters of compacted loess-lime, such as elastic modulus, initiative volume modulus, initiative poission's ratio, peak strength, peak strain, residual strength, etc. Analysis results indicate Duncan-change model does not adopt to the compacted loess-lime, the modified Saenz formula can be used as the constitution equation very well.
表 1 试验用黄土主要物理指标
Table 1. Physics indices of loess
表 2 不同围压条件下的强度
Table 2. Strength parameters under the different surrounding pressure
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