摘要: 采用加筋喷射混凝土、高压注浆和预应力锚杆的联合加固方式, 对失稳挡土墙进行了加固, 同时对土边坡也利用微型抗滑桩和中高压注浆进行了加固。根据加固设计参数和各种材料属性, 利用有限差分法建立了数值计算模型, 对加固结构和被加固结构的稳定性(侧向位移的变化情况)以及预应力锚杆和抗滑桩的轴向力变化情况进行了模拟分析。结果表明, 各种不同类型的加固结构组成了一个有机整体, 完全可以保证边坡以及挡土墙稳定。Abstract: According to the situations and the reasons of instability, the spray concrete with steel bar nets, preforced cables and cement grouting with high-pressure were adopted in the reinforcement design. Soil slope was also reinforced by mini-anti-sliding piles and cement grouting with middle-high pressure. A numerical calculation model was developed to analyze design parameters and materials properties. Using the model, the stability variations(displacement of side direction) of reinforcement structures and retaining wall, highway subgrade, soil slope as well as the axial force on the perforced cables and anti-sliding piles were analyzed. The analysis result shows the different types of reinforcement structure are integrated and formulated an organic entirety, and it is a very effective method to reinforce the unstable retaining wall.
Key words:
- road engineering /
- retaining wall /
- instability /
- numerical analysis /
- finite difference method
表 1 加固设计参数
Table 1. Proposal design parameters of reinforcement
表 2 模型中材料的力学参数
Table 2. Proposal mechanical parameters of model
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