摘要: 应用光纤传感测试技术, 将光纤光栅刚性粘贴于传感头外表面上, 使传感头承受拉索的索力, 通过对光纤光栅波长移动量的解调, 就可以测出索力的大小。并将光纤光栅和电阻应变片两种索力测量方法进行了实验对比。实验结果与理论分析证明, 该测试系统具有结构简单、测量范围大、稳定性和线性度好等特点, 既可用于斜拉桥施工阶段的索力测定, 也可用于结构长期的安全监测。Abstract: The monitoring of cables' tension is very important for cable bridge safe operation with optical fiber grating sensors. The monitoring system was developed. In this system, the optical fiber was con-nected with sensers that were fixed on cables. The wave length of fiber varied with cables tension change, so the cables tension can be monitored by surveying fiber's wave length. The testing results show that this system has good performance and linear response capacity.
Key words:
- bridge engineering /
- cable bridge /
- cable tension /
- monitoring /
- fiber grating /
- strain sensing /
- temperature sensing
表 1 斜拉索参数
Table 1. Parameters of stay cables
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