Temperature control method for jacket cooling water system of main marine diesel engine
摘要: 利用传热学理论, 对船舶主柴油机缸套冷却水系统的传热机理进行了分析, 给出了其动态热力数学模型。针对其惯性较大, 缸套冷却水出口温度经常超调的特点, 提出了在现有的传统PID反馈控制的基础上, 引入以船舶主柴油机输出“功率”作为反映缸套冷却水热负荷扰动信号的前馈控制, 以减小缸套冷却水出口温度的动态偏差, 并利用Matlab仿真进行了验证。仿真结果表明, 这种控制方法比传统的控制方法具有更好的控制性能。Abstract: Based on heat transfer theory, the paper analyzed the heat transfer mechanism of jacket cooling water system of main marine diesel engine, and put forward a dynamic mathematic model for the system. Since the system is great, it is difficult to control the cooling water temperature dynamic deviation. The paper studied an enhanced control method in order to decrease temperature dynamic deviation, the output power of main marine diesel engine was introduced as a feed forward signal. The results of computer simulation indicate that this control method has better control performance than current PID control.
Key words:
- marine engineering /
- main engine jacket /
- cooling water system /
- dynamic model /
- feed forward control /
- PID control
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