摘要: 根据客流需求合理确定发车频率是优化调度方案, 实现科学调度的关键工作之一。在分析现有模型的基础上, 结合中国城市公交常用的调度模式, 建立了以客流需求为基础数据, 以乘客满意度和企业满意度加权平均值最大为目标的公交线路发车频率规划模型。介绍了优化模型的构建过程、目标函数与约束条件中各组成要素的计算方法以及模型的解法, 阐述了模型所需数据的自动获取和处理方法。实例证明该模型是可行的。Abstract: The scientific determination of bus frequency is very important for public traffic efficiency. According to bus dispatching mode in Chinese city, an optimal model for bus frequency determination was developed. In this model, the maxization of passengers satisfaction and bus company efficiency was objective function. The algorithm of this model was presented. An example shows that this model is feasible.
Key words:
- traffic planning /
- urban transit /
- bus dispatch /
- optimal model /
- departing frequency
表 1 各时段平均发车间隔及满意度值
Table 1. Average departing interval and satisfaction degree of every time interval
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