摘要: 应用数据仓库技术, 提出了客货营销决策支持系统的逻辑结构, 阐述了铁路客货营销信息的特征, 论述了建设铁路客货营销数据仓库的必要性, 围绕数据源组织、联机分析和数据挖掘等问题, 对系统建设中的若干关键技术进行了探讨, 认为统一数据策略与数据库模式是实现系统的关键。Abstract: The system was developed with data warehouse technique. Its logic structure, Information characteristics, data source organization and data mining were analyzed. The key techniques to realize the system was presented. It is pointed out that the unity strategy of data and database model are the most important works.
Key words:
- railway transport /
- decision support system /
- frame structure /
- data warehouse /
- data organization
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