摘要: 研究了路径引导模块在车辆导航系统中与其他模块的关系, 以及语音路径引导功能的主要优点, 设计了一种应用GIS为基础数据平台, 结合路径规划模块以及定位模块的算法步骤, 给出了行驶指令的生成、规划路径的跟踪与发声条件判断以及声频引导信息的生成三大关键子模块的实现方法。实际使用结果表明, 该模块生成的声频引导信息准确及时, 达到了设计目的。Abstract: This paper studied the relation between route guidance module and other modules in vehicle navigation system. The advantages of voice route guidance function were presented. The main algorithm steps based on GIS were developed, with the route planning module and the positioning module, the methods to realize three key sub-modules: generation of driving instruction, planned route track and generation of voice guidance information were discussed. Its application results show that the module can accuraely generate voice guidance information.
Key words:
- ITS /
- voice route guidance /
- vehicle navigation system /
- navigation instruction
表 1 不考虑路口形状的角度和语音导航指令关系
Table 1. Relation between navigation instruction and turning angle without regard to intersection shape
表 2 考虑路口形状的角度和语音导航指令关系
Table 2. Relation between navigation instruction and turning angle with regard to intersection shape
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