摘要: 分析了30年来国内外国际航运投资决策问题, 认为对国际航运传统的或经典的投资决策方法的研究比较成熟, 将定性评价转化为定量评价的投资决策方法的研究有所进行, 但基于期权的投资决策方法的研究尚未进行。为此, 阐述了这一领域未来的研究重点与前沿问题。Abstract: The studies in the field of decision making for international shipping investment were reviewed. It is pointed out that the study on traditional method has goten a lot of achievements, the quantitative evaluation on decision making method has been used widely, but the study way based on option has not been carried out enough. The orientation of future research and the focal subjects in this field are pointed out.
Key words:
- international shipping /
- investment decision making /
- research /
- review
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