摘要: 根据列车气动试验数据处理对可视化的特殊要求, 研究了试验数据可视化方法及系统实现, 采用数据场网格划分和基于等参变换的区域映射插值相结合的插值方法, 改进了扫描线算法, 采用面向对象的软件工程思想编制了试验数据可视化系统。应用实例表明该系统能快速、形象、方便地处理试验数据。Abstract: According to the data of train aerodynamics test, the test data visualization means was studied, and the system of test visualization was realized, the new arithmetic combined data field meshing and region-mapping interpolating was created, the scanning arithmetic was improved, the object-oriented program was adopted in the system. An example indicates that this system can deal with test data rapidly, visually and conveniently.
Key words:
- train /
- aerodynamics /
- test data visualization /
- arithmetic improving /
- object-oriented program
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