摘要: 根据电池在工作过程中任意时刻的剩余电量理论上应该等于电池的实际容量减去放电电量的原理, 推导出了剩余电量的实用计算公式, 设计了剩余电量计量系统。通过对一组铅酸电池的实车道路测试, 发现其计量误差大约为20%, 误差主要由电池的实际放电模式与试验模式的不同所造成。Abstract: According to the residual capacity in any time being the difference of the actual capacity and the quantity of output charges during the discharging of a battery in terms of theory, the paper put forward a formula and a system to compute the residual quantity. Test results show that the system error is about 20%, and the key reason of error comes from the difference between lab discharging mode and practice discharging mode of battery.
Key words:
- EV /
- battery /
- residual quantity of charges /
- charging /
- discharging
表 1 铅酸电池剩余电量试验数据
Table 1. Testing data of lead-acid battery
行驶时间/s 放电时间/s 剩余电量/% 行驶里程/km 当前车速/km·h-1 当前电流/A 电池密度 0 0 100 0.0 0 33 1.30 660 314 95 3.5 40 29 1140 650 90 7.4 45 28 1500 927 85 11.9 45 38 1980 1217 80 16.9 50 26 1.28 2460 1628 75 21.9 40 27 2940 2132 70 27.9 40 28 3840 2560 65 33.1 45 40 4320 3030 60 39.1 40 20 1.26 5100 3633 55 45.4 30 23 6120 4420 50 53.5 35 28 1.25 6980 4963 45 58.0 40 30 7740 5564 40 64.4 40 28 1.23 8160 6180 35 73.0 40 18 8700 6650 30 78.5 40 30 1.23 9600 7225 25 83.4 35 28 10260 7788 20 87.6 40 28 1.21 10980 8114 15 92.9 25 32 12180 8679 10 104.0 40 24 1.19 12870 9348 5 112.1 40 28 13980 9751 0 (20) 116.9 40 26 1.17 14700 10184 15 122.0 35 20 15180 10561 10 125.0 30 27 1.17 15780 11406 4 133.3 25 20 1.14 16500 11807 1 138.6 20 19 1.14 16620 11927 0 140.0 30 20 1.14 表 2 30A放电数据
Table 2. Discharging current data with 30A
放电时间/min 电池电压/V 放电电量/C 百分比(228600C) 0 12.14 0 100 10 12.18 18 000 92 20 12.16 36 000 84 30 12.11 54 000 77 40 12.06 72 000 69 50 11.99 90 000 61 60 11.93 108 000 53 70 11.85 126 000 45 80 11.76 144 000 37 90 11.64 162 000 30 100 11.49 180 000 22 110 11.31 198 000 14 120 11.03 216 000 6 123 10.83 221 400 4 125 10.40 225 000 2 126 10.12 226 800 1 127 9.81 228 600 0 -
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