摘要: 运用声功率测量、表面声强测量和频谱测量等方法, 分析认为风扇噪声、电机噪声和燃烧噪声是加热器的主要噪声源, 由此产生的噪声经方箱、回风口等向外辐射, 提出了采取回风消声器消声与整机隔声罩隔声等降噪措施。试验结果表明, 加热器各频带的声压级都有了一定程度的降低, 特别是人耳最为敏感的1kHz处的噪声降低了4.1dB。Abstract: With sound power, distribution of sound intensity and frequency spectrum, the noise property of vehicle fuel-fired air heater was analyzed. It is pointed out that fan noise, electromagnetic noise and burning noise are the main noise sources, which spread out through the air-inlet and iron box. As a settlement, the measurements silencer and rectangular enclosure are adopted. Application results show that the noise level decreases 4.1 dB in 1 kHz band.
Key words:
- automobile engineering /
- fuel-fired air heater /
- noise control /
- silencer /
- sound insulation
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