摘要: 采用飞机起落航迹激光定位系统对多种飞机起飞着陆航迹进行了测试, 归纳出了应用该系统时测站的选点与定位方法, 提出了系统不同轴与时差校正的计算公式, 给出了相应的数据转换方法, 并编制了相关的计算软件。实际应用结果表明, 该系统是有效的。
- 道路工程 /
- 飞机起落激光定位系统 /
- 测试 /
- 航迹
Abstract: With this system, the airplane's taking-off and landing track were measured, the method to decide the position of the system was induced. The formula to adjust time error of the system at different axles was presented, the measuring data translation was given, the computing software was developed. An example indicates that this system is feasible and has good efficiency. -
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