摘要: 综合经济学和交通工程学理论, 以公路服务的经营特性、市场需求和市场细分为基础, 研究了公路企业的经营目标、收费价格确定方法、收费定价策略与调价方法, 进而分析和得到了公路企业的经营方法。实践证明, 经营方法使得公路企业的收费经营行为更为科学, 增加了收费收入; 公共管制方法在合理考虑企业利益的同时, 能够约束公路企业的追利行为, 减少社会福利损失。这对公路企业经营收费公路和政府对公路企业经营行为的管制, 具有指导意义。Abstract: According to the theories of economics and traffic engineering, this paper studied the market demand, segmenting market, targeting market, toll pricing method of toll road, analyzed road company behavior, put forward the operation method of road company. The applied results show that the marketing methods can rationalize the operation of road company, and increase the tolling revenue, the regulating methods can control the behavior of road company, and decrease the lost of social welfare. The contents of the paper can direct the operation of toll road company and is also important to the government regulation for toll road.
Key words:
- toll highway /
- highway service /
- market /
- monopoly /
- market segmentation /
- toll pricing
表 1 中国公路企业市场需求的特点
Table 1. Demand characters of road service market
需求目标 市场类型 个人市场 组织市场 客车 货车 客车 货车 小客车 中大客车 小货车 大货车 小客车 中大客车 小货车 大货车 运输经营需要 ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ ○ ◎ ○ ◎ 自身生产需要 ◎ ○ ◎ ○ ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ 自身生活需要 ◎ ○ ○ ○ ◎ ○ ◎ ○ 注: “◎”表示数量较多; “○”表示数量较少; 把组织市场中公车私用出行, 划分为生活需要类别。 -
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