摘要: 介绍了QAR记录系统和记录数据的译码过程, 针对航班划分, 经过多次下载实验, 在具体分析原始数据的基础上, 提出了帧计数划分方法和组合帧计数与空地电门两参数进行航班划分的新方法。与传统的航班划分方法相比, 该方法提高了航班划分的精度, 加快了QAR数据的译码速度。Abstract: This paper introduced the essay QAR recording system and the process of decoding, then presented two new methods of flight dividing by finishing a lot of downloading experiments and analyzing the raw data, one is ground on frame counter, and the other is based on the combination of two parameters, frame counter and air/ground. Compared with the traditional method, the new methods could enhance the precision of flight dividing and accelerate the speed of decoding.
Key words:
- aviation engineering /
- flight data /
- flight dividing /
- decoding
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