Real-time algorithm of finding optimal path with changing weight to speed up convergence
摘要: 为获得满意解为目标的最优路径选择问题, 给出了一种加权的LRTA* (LearningReal Time A*) 算法, 通过改变估价函数值更新规则与解时间和解质量的相对折中, 加快算法收敛速度。实例应用表明, 该方法比LRTA*算法更快地收敛于满意解, 是一种求解大城市稠密路网两点间最优路径的有效方法。Abstract: For obtaining a satisfactory shortest path, this paper proposed an improved LRTA* to speed up search algorithm convergence through changing value-update rules. Through the trade-off of time and quality of solution, the convergence speed was fasted. Application result shows that the method converges suboptimal solution faster than LRTA*, it is a better algorithm to solve the satisfactory solution between O-D for a big density route network.
表 1 两种算法获得问题解的历时比较
Table 1. Time comparison of two solutions
算法 时间/s LR/m LS/m 加权LRTA*算法 0.40 4820 5160 实时LRTA*算法 0.98 4820 4820 -
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