摘要: 通过除冰液成分分析、混凝土试件除冰液浸泡实验、物相分析和冻融理论分析, 探讨了剥落损坏发生的原因和机理。研究发现除冰液和水泥混凝土之间并不会发生化学反应; 除冰液的渗入会增加混凝土内的水压力、渗透压、蒸气压差异和温度梯度。结果表明, 除冰液参与下的剥落属于物理损坏, 主要由冻融循环引起; 除冰液的存在和入渗加剧了混凝土表面层的冻融剥落发生。建议从减少除冰液的用量、使用范围、与混凝土的接触时间, 以及混凝土的抗冻等方面进行剥落防治。Abstract: In order to explore the cause and mechanism of apron cement concrete scaling, deicer component analysis, concrete specimen deicer soaking test and phase analyzing were carried out. It is found that there is no chemical reaction between deicer and cement concrete, water pressure, penetration pressure and vapor pressure variation are increased in concrete after deicer infiltration. The results show that scaling is caused by the freeze thawing cycle, infiltration of deicer deteriorates scaling. The scaling preventive treatments, such as reducing the volume of deicer, limiting its application area and contact time to concrete, and freeze proof ability of concrete could be considered.
Key words:
- airport engineering /
- cement concrete scaling /
- phase analysis /
- soaking test /
- deicer
表 1 试件配比设计
Table 1. Sample component design
水灰比 水泥 砂 碎石 水 0.40 1.00 1.13 2.91 0.40 0.45 1.00 1.40 3.27 0.45 0.50 1.00 1.70 3.61 0.50 0.55 1.00 2.02 3.92 0.55 表 2 试件的密度
Table 2. Sample density
编号 质量/kg 密度/ (g·cm-3) 平均密度/ (g·cm-3) 编号 质量/kg 密度/ (g·cm-3) 平均密度/ (g·cm-3) 水灰比0.40 水灰比0.50 A1 8.42 2.495 2.481 C1 8.24 2.441 2.453 A2 8.32 2.465 C2 8.18 2.424 A3 8.36 2.477 C3 8.42 2.495 A4 8.40 2.489 C4 8.28 2.453 水灰比0.45 水灰比0.55 B1 8.26 2.447 2.440 D1 8.08 2.394 2.397 B2 8.32 2.465 D2 8.12 2.406 B3 8.20 2.430 D3 8.00 2.370 B4 8.16 2.418 D4 8.16 2.418 表 3 混凝土浸泡腐蚀试验结果
Table 3. Results of concrete erosion test
处理方式 抗压强度/MPa 水灰比 0.40 0.45 0.50 0.55 水浸泡 48.00 44.00 37.78 27.78 除冰液浸泡 40.00 40.44 34.22 27.56 腐蚀系数 0.833 0.919 0.906 0.992 -
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