摘要: 针对现有铺装层常见的纵向裂缝、推移、局部拥包、搓板等破坏形式, 应用有限元法分析了不同位置的荷载对铺装层最大拉应力、最大剪应力和表面最大竖向位移的影响, 并比较了单轮荷载和双轮荷载作用下铺装层受力的差异。分析表明, 水平荷载对铺装层的影响主要体现在剪应力方面, 且对纵向剪应力的影响很大; 当以铺装层最大拉应力作为设计指标控制铺装层开裂破坏时, 单轮荷载的计算结果较双轮荷载的大; 当以粘结层的剪切应力作为设计指标控制铺装层的剪切破坏时, 双轮荷载的计算结果较单轮荷载的大。Abstract: Aiming at the common damage of steel bridge deck pavement, such as cracking, pushing and local packing and so on, the impacts of pavement on orthotropic steel deck such as maximum tensile stress, maximum shear stress and maximum deflection under the action of vertical and horizontal load were analyzed using finite element method, and the different mechanical results of pavement under the single-wheel load and under double-wheel load were compared. Analysis results show that the horizontal load has great effects on shear stress of pavement, especially longitudinal shear stress. When chosing the maximum tensile stress of pavement as design control index, the simulation results of single-type load are larger than those of double-type load. When chosing the maximum shear stress of bond coat as design control index, the simulation results of double-type load are larger than those of single-type load.
Key words:
- pavement engineering /
- orthotropic steel deck /
- pavement /
- finite element method /
- vertical load /
- horizontal load
表 1 计算荷载
Table 1. Calculation load
荷载类型 车辆后轴重/kN 荷载等级 标准胎压/MPa 纵向宽度范围/mm 横向宽度范围/mm 单轮荷载 130 汽-超20 0.707 200 460 双轮荷载 130 汽-超20 0.707 200 560 表 2 单轮荷载作用位置
Table 2. Location of single-tire load
表 3 双轮荷载作用位置
Table 3. Location of double-tire load
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