摘要: 通过黄土压实后土体(压实土体) 的湿陷性、压缩性和抗剪强度等室内试验, 分析了压实土体的湿陷性、水分入渗对其饱和度、渗透系数等的影响和其抗剪强度随压实度和含水量的变化规律。试验表明, 黄土压实后土体仍具湿陷性; 含水量对压实土体的饱和度、渗透系数和压缩性等基本性质影响较大, 一般随含水量的增大其饱和度和压缩性显著减小, 而渗透系数在最佳含水量附近达到一个峰值; 对于压实土体抗剪强度, 其与含水量呈非线性变化关系, 而与土体压实度呈线性增长关系。结果表明, 严格控制土体含水量, 提高路基压实度标准是提高黄土路基整体稳定性的关键。Abstract: The saturability and infiltration coefficient caused by infiltration water were analyzed by indoor experiments, and the variation law of its shear strength in accompany with compaction degree and water content was studied. The experiment results indicate that compacted fill still has collapsibility, water content influences the basic properties of compacted loess fill seriously, such as saturability, permeability coefficient and compressibility, etc. When water content increases, its saturability and compressibility remarkably decrease, but the permeability coefficient has a crest value near the optimum water content, and its shear strength and water content have non-linear relationship, it and compaction degree have linear growth relationship. The research results show that strict controlling water content of compacted fill and enhancing the compacted degree standard of loess subgrade can enhance loess subgrade massive character.
Key words:
- subgrade engineering /
- compacted fill /
- laboratory experiment /
- collapsibility /
- compressibility /
- shear strength
表 1 含水量与湿陷性系数关系
Table 1. Relationship of water content and collapsibility coefficient
含水量ω/% 湿陷性系数δs/% γd=1.40 g/cm3 γd=1.50 g/cm3 γd=1.68 g/cm3 13.5 0.6 5.4 10.6 16.5 0.3 5.1 8.6 19.5 0.1 3.0 6.9 表 2 干容重与湿陷性系数关系
Table 2. Relationship of dry density and collapsibility coefficient
干容重γd/ (g·cm-3) 湿陷性系数δs/% ω=13.5% ω=16.5% ω=19.5% 1.40 11.0 8.4 3.0 1.50 6.4 5.5 2.1 1.68 1.6 0.9 0.5 表 3 含水量与饱和度的关系
Table 3. Relationship of water content and saturability
含水量ω/% 11.5 12.5 13.5 14.5 15.5 16.5 17.5 18.5 19.5 饱和度Sr/% 100 100 99.2 98.3 97.6 96.1 93.0 88.9 84.0 -
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