摘要: 针对目前广泛使用的道路土方量计算方法不够准确的缺点, 以数字地面模型的重构为技术核心, 给出了土方量的三维计算方法。结合工程实例, 将三维计算方法的结果和传统方法的结果进行比较, 结果表明该方法计算准确、可行。Abstract: Because the current calculation method of roadway earthwork volume is approximate with its theoretical defect, with digital terrain model (DTM) and its re-triangulation techniques, this paper presented a 3-D algorithm of calculating roadway earthwork volume. It is pointed that the method leads a true value in theory, and ensures a higher accuracy compared with the traditional method in practical tests. This result indicates that the method is feasible.
Key words:
- road design /
- mass /
- digital terrain model /
- calculation /
- algorithm
表 1 土方量两种计算方法的误差比较
Table 1. Error analysis between two methods of mass calculation
路线里程/m 间距/m 样本数量个数 挖方样本误差平均值/% 填方样本误差平均值/% 总量样本误差平均值/% 误差超过50%的个体所占比例/% 1800 5 360 2.45 1.65 0.97 1.11 10 180 2.41 2.14 2.54 6.67 20 90 4.79 4.53 6.26 12.22 30 60 7.07 6.51 9.74 16.67 50 36 10.40 12.15 17.72 30.56 -
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