摘要: 利用小波变换将轨道不平顺信号和所得谱图信号分解到互不重叠的频带上, 结合小波阈值处理技术, 对小波高频系数进行阈值量化处理, 滤掉其中某些频段内的干扰与噪声信号, 然后对信号进行重构, 从而实现了对信号的去噪和对谱图信号的平滑处理。结果表明, 该方法成功地获取了轨道静态功率谱密度, 有效提高了轨道静态参数信噪比和轨道静态功率谱密度图的可视性。Abstract: Track irregularity and its static power spectrum density were decomposed into different frequency-bands with wavelet transform. Combined with processing skill of wavelet threshold value, high-frequency coefficients of wavelet were quantified, then data were reconstructed, and some interferons and noises in certain frequency-band were removed, which realized denoise and smoothing of power spectrum density. The results indicate that data processing approach based on wavelet transform can increase noise-signal ration of track static parameters, and improve visibility of track static power spectrum density.
Key words:
- railway engineering /
- track /
- static power spectrum density /
- wavelet /
- noise-signal ration
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