摘要: 建立了70%低地板轻轨车的动力学计算模型, 对建模过程中非动力转向架、独立车轮、车体间的铰接结构等关键部件的处理方法进行了分析, 并运用SIMPACK多体动力学仿真软件分析了该计算模型的运动稳定性、曲线通过性及运行平稳性等动力学性能。结果表明, 该车具有良好的蛇行运动稳定性、曲线通过性及运行平稳性, 能够满足运行的要求。Abstract: This paper established the dynamics model of 70% low-floor light rail vehicles, and gave the ways of dealing with the key parts, such as non-driven bogie, independent wheel and joint structure of bodies, etc. Then dynamics performances of the vehicle system, which includes stability, curve passing, ride comfort, etc, were carried out by the mutil-body dynamics analysis software SIMPACK. The numerical results indicate that the vehicle system has good hunting stability, curving performance and ride comfort, and it can meet the demand of operation on tracks.
Key words:
- vehicle engineering /
- light rail vehicle /
- low-floor /
- modeling /
- dynamics
表 1 车体技术参数
Table 1. Vehicle technical parameters
参数 拖车 动车 轮对质量/kg 1 300 1 500 构架及附件质量/kg 2 800 4 500 车体额定载荷质量/kg 5 000 11 000 轮径/mm 600 660 轴距/mm 1 600 1 900 内侧距/mm 1 353 1 353 定距/mm 10 700 10 700 一系悬挂刚度X/Y/Z/ (N·m-1) 8.0×106/4.0×106/7.0×105 一系垂向阻尼/ (Ns·m-1) 2.0×104 二系悬挂刚度X/Y/Z/ (N·m-1) 1.3×105/1.3×105/2.9×105 二系悬挂阻尼Y/Z/ (Ns·m-1) 4.0×104/5.0×104 -
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