摘要: 在改扩建集装箱码头工程规划设计过程中, 建立了计算机动画模拟模型, 并进行了一系列的模型试验。结果发现, 码头极限年通过能力为1 5×106TEU, 制约因素是堆场容量, 适当增加拖挂车数量有助于提高船舶装卸作业效率, 以临海路集装箱堆场为进口箱补充堆场, 码头和补充堆场统一协调运作, 年通过能力可以因此提高到2 0×106TEU。应用结果表明该模型是可行的。Abstract: During planning and designning the reconstruction project of container terminal, an animated computer simulation model was built, and a series of model experiments were carried out. Experiment results show that maximum annual throughput of the terminal is 1.5×106 TEU, and yard capacity is a bottleneck of the terminal, adding proper number of trailers into the terminal can promote waterfront production. If the terminal operates together with Linhai road container yard, which is used as the terminal's supplement yard for import containers, annual throughput can reach 2.0×106 TEU. The results show that the model is feasible.
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