摘要: 研究了合流区外测车道不同位置车头时距、交通量的变化规律, 分析了高速公路上匝道合流区的通行能力, 运用回归技术和统计方法, 建立了主路外侧车道交通量的实测经验模型, 总结出车头时距的实测经验分布为变阶数的Erlang分布。运用间隙接受理论分析了匝道车辆在高速公路合流区汇入主路的运行状态, 最终建立高速公路上匝道合流区的通行能力模型, 它是主路交通量、匝道交通量、匝道车辆临界间隙、随车时距及加速车道长度的函数。结果表明计算值与理论值基本吻合, 该模型是可行的。Abstract: The laws of flow rate and headway varied with location in outside lane were studied. The highway capacity model of on-ramp freeway junction was analyzed. The empirical flow rate model was set up using regression techniques and statistical methods. It is pointed out that the headway distribution of traffic in outside lane is variable Erlang distribution. The merging behavior of ramp vehicle was analyzed with gap acceptance theory. The empirical highway capacity model of freeway on-ramp junction was set up by analysis the gap acceptance process. The results indicate that calculation value and measurement value almost equal, this model is feasible.
表 1 观测与计算数据
Table 1. Data of observation and calculation /pcu
主路100 主路102 鼻端合计 主路114 主路115 末端合计 匝道101 理论计算 74 49 124 82 109 191 67 75 51 53 106 79 96 175 69 75 46 45 91 75 84 159 68 74 54 30 84 63 81 144 60 75 60 55 117 69 104 173 56 75 29 81 110 87 87 174 64 75 27 74 101 75 81 156 55 75 37 83 120 70 91 161 41 76 31 44 75 62 89 151 76 74 19 64 83 50 101 151 68 74 77 39 116 70 102 172 56 75 115 7 122 71 91 162 40 76 60 32 92 53 92 145 53 75 50 50 100 75 98 173 73 74 49 47 96 68 83 151 55 75 66 22 88 55 62 117 29 76 -
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