摘要: 介绍了风险分析理论与综合安全评估, 以及开展大风浪中航行船舶风险分析的意义, 引入了有关大风浪中航行船舶风险分析的概念, 初步建立了相应的风险体系框架, 并提出了大风浪中航行船舶风险分析的主要任务。Abstract: The paper introduced risk analysis theory and formal safety assessment (FSA), as well as the meaning of developing risk analysis for underway ship in heavy sea. The conceptions of risk analysis were introduced, a system of risk analysis was set up, and main work for future studies was put forward.
Key words:
- traffic safety /
- risk analysis theory /
- FSA /
- heavy sea /
- underway ship /
- risk system
表 1 灾害和风险的有关定义
Table 1. Definitions of hazard and risk
自然灾害 特定时间和区域内某种潜在破坏现象发生的可能性 脆弱性 某个或某组给定单元因发生一定规模的事件而产生损失的程度 具体风险 由特定自然现象所引起损失的预期大小 风险单元 特定区域内处于危险的人口、财产、经济活动等 总风险 由特定自然现象所造成的人员伤亡、财产或经济损失的预期值 -
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