摘要: 采用相位累加算法实现数字控制振荡器, 利用线性内插方法结合级联积分梳妆滤波器实现分数比抽取滤波, 从而达到降低数字下变频器复杂性的目的, 使得数字下变频处理可以在通用数字信号处理芯片中用软件实现。应用Matlab软件进行分数比为29/31倍的抽取滤波仿真, 结果表明该算法提高了数字下变频器的处理速率, 实现了数字载波控制和抽取滤波可编程。Abstract: The paper put forward a design NCO (numerical controlled oscillator) with phase accumulation algorithm and fraction ratio decimation filter with mixing linear interpolation algorithm and CIC (cascaded integrator comb) filter, so that the DDC (digital down converter) process could be implemented in software on general purpose DSP (digital signal processing) chip and afford greater flexibility. Matlab simulation for a decimation filter whose decimation ratio is 29/31 was made. The results indicate that the algorithm improves the speed of DDC and implements programmable NCO and decimation filter by design software DDC with high performance DSP.
Key words:
- information control /
- software radio /
- linear interpolation /
- DDC /
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