摘要: 基于人-车-路相互作用建立了简化的三质量车辆模型, 运用叠加法计算了车辆动载荷的幅频特性与功率谱密度、加速度放大因子与加速度谱, 利用所建的简化车辆模型对车辆的振动特性进行了评价, 研究了车辆载荷与行驶安全性、加速度与振动舒适性的关系。结果表明, 三质量车辆模型更能体现人体的振动舒适程度与路面不平度的响应关系, 对于深入分析路面结构的动力响应有重要价值。Abstract: A simple three-mass vehicle model was founded on the basis of people-vehicle-road interaction. With this model, the amplitude and power spectral density(PSD) of vehicle dynamic load were calculated, the amplitude factor and PSD of acceleration were analyzed, the vibration characteristics of vehicle were evaluated, the relations of dynamic load with ride safety, acceleration and vibration comfort were discussed. The results show that this model can accurately reflect the dynamic response of people's comfort with pavement roughness.
Key words:
- traffic engineering /
- pavement roughness /
- vehicle model /
- vibration /
- spectral density
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