摘要: 介绍了在列车运行情况已知的条件下, 在(t1, t2]时间域内对列车运行图的自动化调整方法, 提出了用列车晚点加权总时分作为评价列车运行图调整优劣的指标, 并建立了指标优化的数学模型和简化模型。把简化模型构成网络图, 并使用分支定界法设计了列车运行图调整的算法。通过模拟编程验证, 该算法可行、有效, 能在较短的时间内得出较理想的3~4 h列车运行图。Abstract: This paper introduced a way of automatic adjustment for train operation diagram within the time-domain (t1, t2], proposed an index of the weighted sum of train delay-time for judging the quality of train-operation-diagram adjustment. In order to optimize the index, a mathematical model and simplified model were presented. Based on the simplified model, a network chart was constituted, by the means of branch delimitation theory, an algorithm for the adjustment of train operation diagram was designed. Simulation results show that the algorithm and model are feasible, can give a real 3~4 h plan of train operation in shorter time.
表 1 列车到发时间
Table 1. Train operation time
列车1 列车2 列车3 列车4 车站1 (A站) 92 116 7 57 车站2 76 102 22 72 52 102 22 72 车站3 38 91 35 86 30 91 35 94 车站4 (B站) 15 77 50 121 -
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